Thursday, November 15, 2012

Change...oh not that again!

Two days ago I had the opportunity to attend a conference called "focus on the 90% and not the 10%" by Darci Lang. I have to say it was the absolute "reset" and reminder that I needed. As much as I knew some of the things that was brought up during this conference life just blinded me with negative emotions, anger, and some sort of void that was left unfilled....I forgot in this moment in time all the things I preached. 

Among the numerous things I learned, if there was one main point that I can share with the world would be  

that we cannot change people

We can only change ourselves and how we think. People can only change themselves when they are willing and ready but we cannot change people. Of course! I thought...I knew this! We all know this! but how many times do we sit here blaming others for the way they are, hoping they will change for the better. It's all in how we choose to approach matters.

I have a loved one whom I blamed for a long time, they have anger management issues, repeatedly bring up past matters that have long gone, they live a good life without giving thanks, they have outrageous public outbursts of anger for smallest matters that are easily fixable. I blamed this loved one for a long time, for my anger, for the way I think and how I feel in aspects of my life. but I never focused on the good things this person has done, the reasons why they did the things they did, and the setting they grew up in which molded their behavior. My reaction towards them only further aggravated the situation, I needed to change...

We've all heard the phrase nothing difficult in life comes easy, and change is one of them. It is almost guaranteed that if you can attempt and succeed at this, you will see a difference in your life. You will think others have changed when really it is just how you've approached situations, how you perceive life because it is you that has changed.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

My Turn to Talk

     Believe it or not you are one of the most powerful  individuals on this earth, you don't have to be a large figure head to make people listen, agree, or spread news of what you say. Everyone has leadership potential but it is the credibility you build that allows others to believe you more. If you're one to 'cry wolf' each and every time chances are people won't listen. One aspect to being a leader is to speak up.

     Whether it is the work place or home life, if you have a chance to take a leadership role why not go for it. Everyone seems to be afraid to be out spoken, afraid of responsibility, afraid of consequences..even I have self doubts but we are all entitled to speak how we feel. There are reasons why we say the things we do and if it is to improve or to benefit 'the whole' then why not? Speak your mind and take on leadership. Of course you can be timid, follow and conform to the crowd and never speak up in the work place. This may be unhealthy as you may brew in anger from the inside which may slowly lead to burn out, or you can speak your mind (with hopes they are with a good approach) without remorse, and release any frustrations or share any great ideas you may have. I won't lie sometimes it's hard to make people listen, but eventually they do.

     People listen more then you think, people repeat your ideas and statements to others when you're not around. How do I know this? because my ideas and what I've stated to others have ran through the cycle of gossip and has been repeated back to me. So, if you've always wanted to speak up here's your chance, don't wait till tomorrow because you are a powerful individual, what you say will have an effect on others. Here's your moment to shine! be a leader and speak your mind! 
