Monday, September 09, 2013

Pushing Through

This is probably the one most single phrase that seems so easy yet so difficult to do. Life throws so many obstacles in our way that the climb to the top appears endless. Whether it be work, home dilemmas, or life in general. Everyone has varying degrees of challenges but I guess Nike had the right idea when they said “just do it”. This absolutely stands for everything. The only time that is safe to be at a temporary standstill is when you need a break or when things get overwhelming, but nonetheless self awareness is crucial. Realizing that the experience is a phase and once you’ve given yourself time.. It’s time to ‘push through’. Easier said than done right? Don’t get me wrong, the length of time it takes to heal, to realize, and to accept is different for everyone. However, once you’ve reached self awareness you might be ready, but you might feel uncertain..That’s where you have to give yourself that extra ‘push’ through. Like child stuck half way on water slide: with a little assistance you’ll soar past difficult times.

Being stuck in a phase well over a long period of time may cause one to internalize these emotions and channel them into negative ones. Finding reason and motivation helps the process with more ease. Let’s use a simple example of exercise. Almost 90-95% of people make new years resolutions to workout, get fit, and lose weight. Almost half never follow through as we hear the usual ‘I’m too busy’, ‘I have to work’, and ‘I’m too tired’. There are indefinitely individuals at the gym that would rather be spending their time doing other things but they love the aftermath of rushing happy endorphins post workout. These are their reasons and their motivations for exercise. Some individuals have goals to exercise contemplate on going to the gym but substitute eating during that hour that could be spent on being active, hence channeling the energy into something else. 

One personal example for me would be times when I just don’t want to go to work. It’s undeniable that almost everyone on this planet feels this way at one point in their lives. If you do feel this way it is important to distinguish whether these feelings stem from laziness or complete fatigue. The balance between having a rest is necessary. However, laziness is unacceptable and that is where your mantra should come into play: ‘I need to push through this and get it done’. Think about your goals, think about what and whom you’re doing the deed for and before you realize the day is done. 

This is an extremely powerful word which helps accomplish what is sought to be done. The end result is self independence and feeling proud. Obstacles and phases in life are inevitable but developing self understanding, self awareness and finding motivation will aid with the ‘pushing through’ process.  I highly recommend everyone to silently chant these words in your mind in hopes that it will ease your journey, push you through lazy times, and overcome difficult mounds. Cheers!

Written By: Julie Quan. Copyright © 2013 · All Rights Reserved

Article also published on by alexandrumah

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