Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Overworked and Underpaid....

Hi all!

Sorry been away for the longest time readers! Okay so here are all the things that have happened to me thus far, I graduated, I got a job, I had to support my significant other in job transitions, I got engaged, fought for my parent's blessings and now here I am.

I've been working and trying to save and save and thought long and hard how difficult it is to live without finances. Let's beat the sugar coating and get straight...you can't live good without money, but truth of the matter is you can work your bazookas off but it will never be enough. As humans we always want more and more, people want to work hard and play hard. Sometimes we become so preoccupied with ourselves we forget what it is like to rest, to reserve our energy, to relax, heal, and most of all.....to calm the fuck down (excuse my poor verbals). Fatigue and stress is our biggest enemy, it consumes you, it makes you older physically and mentally, and it weakens the soul to liberation and success in life.

The world is consistently moving at such a fast rate, everyone is in a rush to get married, to pay bills, to do chores, to be the wonder parent, etc etc and the list goes on. That's just it. The list will forever go on. If you have a job money will always flow and I am not insinuating on spending all that you have, but take a break from work if you can. Don't try to push that extra over time. Treat yourself to a massage, the spa, buy yourself a gift, allow friends to babysit and go on a date, and say to yourself I'm going to enjoy myself because I definitely deserve it! So take a break, look at what surrounds you and take a deep breath!
